
Education and training of others in the field of Design Thinking.

Reducing the skills gap between student and professional lives.

  • The Project

    Alliance with x2 of the most recognised Science Universities in Portugal, IST and ISEL.

  • Challenge

    To train students, teachers and University staff in Design Thinking, so all can be capable to, collaboratively, find wise solutions to complex problems within academic ecosystem.

  • Key Tools & Resources

    Paper prototyping, Keynote, Google space and tools, on site objects and artefacts for inspiration, ideation and implementation exercises.

  • Key Outcomes

    A Design Thinking course designed and facilitated in-person, to each University, with participants invited and mixed in teams between students, teachers and Uni staff. On both sessions we took on real problems they face regularly and, in squads, we found diverse and smart solutions for all that have been, since then, implemented in real life.


EX Design

