Customer Experience (CX) Design.
Focus on people’s entire experiences or journeys, physical, digital or blended, with the main goal to find opportunities to improve them, from a humanity-centered design lens.
Infusing humanity-centered design into project engineering.
The Project
Diverse construction works to address a significant erosion problem at The Spit in the suburb of Mosman, Sydney, Australia
How might we refine the proposed erosion work plans in a way that will improve daily lives of residents, local businesses, visitors, public transports, police and the existing cycling corridor?
Key Tools & Resources
Mural, Google space and tools, Microsoft space and tools, on site objects and artefacts for interviews and immersion exercises.
Key Outcomes
A strong collaborative participation of key stakeholders mentioned, with great insights that allowed to iterate original plans, with final version to address key needs and concerns of all stakeholders, introducing major improvements for the entire ecosystem at The Spit.